Jini’s Healing Guide: Natural Treatments for Rectal Spasm (eBook)

If you suffer from levator ani or proctalgia fugax, I have developed several techniques that work well to relieve rectal spasming, pain and constipation. Supplements and herbal muscle relaxants are presented as well as topical treatments, bodywork therapies, and improved defecation positions to make your bowel movements easier.

Relax Your Rectum – Make Bowel Movments Easier

YouTube video

There are a number of terms for muscle-based pain in the rectal area, including levator ani syndrome, levator ani spasm syndrome, proctalgia fugax, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, proctodynia, coccygodynia, pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic floor myalgia. This eBook gives you practical, easy solutions that you can do at home to relieve the cramping and spasming in your rectum or rectal muslces.

The root cause of rectal spasm is tension in the pelvic muscles including the levator ani muscle. The levator ani is a broad, thin muscle inside the pelvis that tightens and relaxes to aid in a number of bodily functions, including bowel movements. Levator ani syndrome has been described as “a chronic charlie-horse up inside the pelvis”. Pelvic floor muscle spasms can also cause tightness, burning, and a sensation that the rectum is full.

Sometimes the pelvic muscle spasm is caused by a trapped nerve or ligament, or some sort of adhesion or restriction in your pelvis. Levator ani pain tends to be constant and centered in (but not restricted to) the levator ani muscle, while proctalgia fugax pain is a short, stabbing pain in the rectum.

Natural Treatment For Rectal Spasm and Levator Ani Syndrome

If you suffer from levator ani or proctalgia fugax, there are a number of tools you can use to relax the rectal muscles and ease the pain. Pelvic floor muscle spasms often begin when you have a build-up of stool. But once your rectum goes into spasm, it then prevents the stool from coming out, so you get into a really unpleasant feedback loop of: need to poo → pressure causes spasm → can’t poo → more build-up of poo → urgency to poo increases → increased pressure causes stronger spasm, and so on.

The way to break this feedback loop is to get your rectum and/or anus to relax, so that you can have a bowel movement without pushing and straining too much. Jini Patel Thompson has developed several techniques that work well to relieve the rectal spasming, pain and constipation. Supplements and herbal muscle relaxants are presented as well as topical treatments, bodywork therapies, and improved defecation positions to make your bowel movements easier.

Natural Treatments for Rectal Spasm Table Of Contents

Click Here for the full Table of Contents

This eBook contains detailed instructions and dosages for the following home remedies for rectal spasm (levator ani syndrome, proctalgia fugax):

  • Apply a cold-pressed castor oil pack to rectal muscles, then apply heat.
  • Take transdermal magnesium, either in a hot bath, or by taking nanoparticle minerals.
  • Take an herbal muscle relaxant.
  • Use a stool softener/bulking agent.
  • Apply counter-pressure and gently massage rectum and rectal muscles (levator ani muscles)
  • Find a bodywork therapist who is trained in Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) or myofascial release techniques.
  • Identify and address any conditions that are contributing to your pelvic muscle spasm, such as hemorrhoids and constipation.
  • Change from seated toilet position to squat position (knees higher than hips)

Be sure to also watch the accompanying video on this page, above.

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